Our Courses and Events

We offer a wide range of activities under the six thematic areas through training and training-related activities; workshops and seminars; briefings; conferences and public lectures; side events; and online courses.

Public Courses and Events

We offer courses and events that run throughout the year and are open to the general public or a specific target audience.

Private Courses and Events

UNITAR offers courses and training that run throughout the year and are designed and only open for a specific target audience. Private events are often by invitation only and are reserved for a pre-determined group of participants.

Core Diplomatic Training

CDT is practice-oriented training provided to diplomats and other beneficiaries at major United Nations locations so that they can perform effectively in a multilateral context.

On-demand courses and events

We offer on-demand and customized activities, based on partners' needs and requirements to design and facilitate an event or course.

Master's Programmes

In addition to training and e-Learning courses, UNITAR provides the opportunity to gain knowledge through post-graduate courses.

Fellowships and other forms of financial assistance

We offer various forms of financial assistance to enable participants from eligible countries to register for fee-based courses and other events with reduced fees or at no cost.